Hearing aids change the way people experience life. And each individual requires a different combination of technologies, features and aesthetics. Our products continually advance over time and are classified into 5 technology levels, from 100 to 20. With Higher levels of technology, features and additional settings are available to enhance your listening experience and adjust your lifestyle. The information below may help you and your hearing care provider narrow your choice of which Sonic products are right for your needs.
Instinctively Smart Sonic's instinctively intelligent hearing aid family offers a wide range of options, from premium to basic, providing natural sound, better speech understanding with less noise, ease of use and style that meet your needs and preferences.

Technology Level

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What life is like Captivate features technology that reduces feedback interruptions and offers the convenience of recharging. Natural sound and better speech understanding with less noise. Captivate is your easy connection to the digital world.

Technology Level

Try more If you have extreme hearing loss, you can now try more. More conversations, digital connections and natural sound experiences. More power and comfort with finer volume adjustments. Experience more than ever.

Technology Level

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